The Message In The Mess!
A place for truth, love and finding the message in turbulent times “the mess.”.
This is a space to be able to share and be heard and seen.
A place where I can continue writing and sharing my life with those who can find hope in my stories.
A place where I can write and continue to heal.
This group is not for judging but for learning, healing, and owning our truths!
The Message In The Mess!
Feelings and how we can sort through them!!!!
While we think feelings are simple, they are far from it! Anger is not just anger! It is also feeling let down, humiliated and the list goes on! Then if you dig a little deeper, I feel angry, humiliated, and disrespected!
I am so excited to share this feeling wheel with all of you! It was a gift from Reiki practitioner Bonnie Sue. Here is her website if you are looking for healing!
As always thank you for your time! If you like my podcast, please share…. This is how I grow!
Much Love Heather